May 14, 2015

Dinner with Jorge Luis Borges

I get a buzz finding thinkers that connect in some ways to my own theoretical thinking:
Today I came across 'The Borgesian Conundrum'. Jorge Luis Borges was a master of paradoxes, circularities and conundrums. I'll begin reading his short story titled, "The Library of Babel" (that contains ALL books). The story is set in a fictitious society in which all activities are controlled by the babel lottery (I'm calling this adopting synchronicity out of necessity because life is so complex and in information overload that there is no time to read everything); there is a man who forgets nothing (I'm calling him 'the field' of consciousness that holds all knowledge, a bit library-like himself); and two oppositional theologians, one of which sends the other to the stake then realises ... ooops .... they're one and the same person (I'm calling them Subject and Object, who if they'd empathised or 'merged' with one another, would have found harmony and nothing to argue about ... well, at least not enough to lead to such a brutal outcome).
Jorge Luis and I are meeting tonight over a trans-culinary cassoulet of my own invention, using a 'speck' base with Moroccan spices, French lentils, chic peas, green peas, and Kyogle asparagus on basmati rice.

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